Phileas  - a new concept for high quality public transport

Phileas Design

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Phileas Interior and Exterior Design


Maximum accessibility and maximum useful passenger space have been major design goals for the Phileas. The floor of the passenger compartment is completely flat and only 34 cm (13.4 inch) above ground level. In combination with large doors and adapted pavement height at stops this makes the vehicle accessible for everyone. By placing the rectangular front door behind the front axle, a more aerodynamic design of the front of the vehicle was possible. The left picture shows the double articulated 24 m Phileas with four large doors at the right side. Doors at the left side, or at both sides is also possible.



Phileas rearFront







The left picture above shows rear of the Phileas, with the engine compartment. One of the large "plug" type doors is shown above in the middle. When the vehicle is at a stop the doors can be opened by driver, or by the passengers, both from the inside, or from the outside. The right picture above shows a detail of the modern design of the front of the vehicle.

Interior 2








Because the drivers cabin is positioned on top of the front axle, the driver has an excellent overview on the road. Also, in a sitting position, the driver will be at about the same height of a standing passenger. If the driver wants to communicate with a passenger, it's possible to rotate the drivers seat 45 degrees clockwise. This is shown in the left picture above. The above pictures in the middle and on the left show furniture with dual seats, which is suspended at the sidewalls. The picture on the left shows furniture with single seats, also suspended at the walls.



Last update: 24/10/02

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  Advanced Public Transport Systems BV